Mr. Greg Pitter
Mr. Greg Pitter
Mr. Greg Pitter To Conduct Directed Study
On What a Successful Scientist Needs

Mr. Greg Pitter, 1992 delegate to NYSF from Nevada and currently IT Director at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, will conduct a directed study June 28-30 at NYSC entitled, “What a Successful Scientist Needs (Except the Science Part).

“Organizational politics and harsh business realities have always been the bane of scientists, doctors, teachers, and inventors – a danger lurking in the shadows that always has the potential to cancel projects regardless of scientific value, or worse yet a distraction keeping great minds from doing what they do best, Mr. Pitter said. “But what if they could work for you instead of against you?  We’ll learn a bit about leadership, team dynamics, and influence, and then we will dissect the mind of an MBA (metaphorically) to understand how it works.”